28. November 2020
Papillary Bleeding Index PBI Saxer & Mühlemann bleeding intensity. The Evaluation is PBI in 1.+3. Quadrants orally, in 2.+4. Quadrants vestibular.
28. November 2020
FOTI is the abbreviation of fiber optic transillumination." Loss of intensity due to light scattering.Cold light probe indication.
28. November 2020
the dye usually contains 1% propylene glycol and can penetrate the pores caused by tooth decay.
28. November 2020
Cuticula dentis, dental cuticel, primary enamel epithet, Nasmyth's membrane is residual substance of the melting epithelium.
28. November 2020
Icon caries infiltration experiences, minimally invasive caries therapy. Applications, indication and contraindication method tooth.
28. November 2020
Tooth enamel surrounds the dentin in the coronal area and covers the tooth crown. Formation by ameloblasts. Enamel prisms extend from the enamel-dentine boundary.
28. November 2020
Enamel caries lesion on the surface of a tooth is conical, pseudo-intact surface, lesion body, dark zone, translucent zone.
28. November 2020
ICDAS code caries classification ICDAS is a simple system for the detection and classification of tooth decay in dental schools.
28. November 2020
Sulcus-Bleeding-Index by Muhlmann & Son. SBI belongs to the gingiva indices and is used to assess the inflammation of the gingiva.
28. November 2020
Approximal plaque index, in short API dentistry calculate index form table index coloring young plaque red,see also other oral hygiene indices.
28. November 2020
QHI Quigley Hein Index prophylaxis for children Index calculation see also other oral hygiene indices oral hygiene indices dental medicine.
28. November 2020
The ferrule effect * barrel hoop effect * is right as the 360-degree metal collar of the crown, which surrounds parallel structures of the dentin and is coronal to the preparation margin.
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