Polyacrylic cement (carboxylate cement)
- Underfills
- Definitive fixing for dental Resorations
- Powder: main part zinc oxide, then aluminum oxide & magnesium oxide & additives
- Liquid: polyacrylic acid solution when setting, the carboxyl groups of polyacrylic acid are linked by zinc & magnesium, which leads to shrinkage!
Advantages & Disadvantages
- chemical connection with hard tooth substance (via carboxyl groups) (JANDA 1996) ¹
- good pulp tolerance, since pH only drops briefly high tensile strength
- Shrinkage that continues for a long time
- high viscosity, which is why too much liquid is often added (high dosing sensitivity)
- They have a lower strength compared to Zinc oxide phosphate cement (NAUMANN 2000) ².
- Janda R: Zahnärztliche Befestigungsmaterialien. Dent Echo 1 (1996) 36-38.
- Naumann M: Kleben oder Zementieren? Zahnärztl Prax 4 (2000) 298- 308
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