📞 03606 613679 📍Petristraße 6, 37308 Heilbad Heiligenstadt

Modified Sulcus Bleeding Index by Lange

Modified Sulcus Bleeding Index by Lange²

Index calculation

  1. Yes / No (positive/negative) decision
  2. Assessment after 30 seconds after gentle brushing of the sulcus with a periodontal probe, measurement quadrant 1+3 buccal, 2+4 orally

                     the positive bleeding points

SBI = ---------------------------------------------------- x 100

                          measuring points


  1. SBI 100-50% strong and generalized inflammation of the parodont
  2. SBI 50-20% mean gingival inflammation, need for intensive treatment
  3. SBI 20-10% weaker gum inflammation, still possible to improve
  4. SBI 10% and less. Reduction of periodontal deformation, clinical normality of the gingiva.


(see also other Oral hygiene indices  )


Lange DE, Plagmann HC, Eenboom A, Promesberger A (1977): Clinical evaluation methods for objectifying oral hygiene. Dtsch ZahnarztlZ 32, 44-47.